How InstaText differs from ChatGPT

InstaText helps you to improve your text while retaining authorship. InstaText is ideal for academics, professionals, and non-native speakers who want to refine their own texts, while ChatGPT is more suitable for tasks involving content creation or idea development. InstaText is also available in various applications.

How InstaText differs from ChatGPT

InstaText is an advanced editing assistant designed primarily for academics and professionals who want to refine their texts for publication. It helps non-native speakers to write like native speakers and is also used by native speakers to improve clarity and conciseness.

Unlike AI tools focused on content creation, InstaText preserves author’s voice, making it ideal for researchers, academics and writers who need to meet strict publication standards where AI-generated content is not allowed. InstaText supports polished writing for both scientific and non-scientific publications, while also catering general users who see writing as a craft or need a versatile editing tool.

ChatGPT and other tools have raised the bar for text quality and readability. What was good four years ago is no longer good enough today.

What ChatGPT does well is when you ask for ideas. Find problems in your text, rewrite it and look at ideas. It can really help you create your first draft.

However, ChatGPT often dilutes the meaning of what you want to say. Merely copying and pasting the suggested texts is risky. There’s also a good chance you’ll lose your unique voice.

InstaText improves readability. But we keep your tone and unique voice. It never sounds like a marketing person rewrote your text. You stay in control of your text – by accepting, rejecting and editing suggestions. Your message doesn’t get distorted.

Feature/Aspect ChatGPT InstaText
Tool type Drafting assistant Editing assistant
Primary use Idea generation, drafting Editing, proofreading
Best stage Drafting Editing
Editing depth General suggestions Deep editing (clarity, readability, and style improvement)
Retaining writer’s voice May dilute original tone Maintains and enhances writer’s tone and style
Content considered AI-generated Yes No (fully respects writer’s authorship)
Suitable for publication where AI-generated content is restricted/not allowed No Yes (scientific and non-scientific)
Best for General users, content creators, marketers, freelancers Academics, professionals, journalists, editors, students, general users, copywriters, and content creators
Real-time suggestions Yes (conversational) Yes (real-time improvements in editing stage)
Customization options Yes (primarily prompt-based) Yes (personal dictionary, tone, dialect, etc.)
Platform compatibility Web-based, integrated via API Web-based, browser extensions, multiple applications (Gmail, Google Docs, Word, etc.)
Privacy Stores processed texts (with privacy options) Never stores processed texts
Free & paid membership Yes Yes

InstaText maximises the readability of your text and makes it easier to understand. It has nothing to do with generative AI. The text improved by InstaText is by no means AI-generated! On the contrary: InstaText helps you to improve your text while you remain the proud author of your work.

InstaText Editor

InstaText Editor is a web application. Using it is simple and intuitive:

  1. Copy and paste your text into the editor.
  2. Click Improve and accept ✔️ or reject ❌ suggestions.
  3. Review, edit, and copy the improved text. 

Extensions and add-ins make improving texts even easier and faster. InstaText is known for non-intrusive integrations. All improvements are user-initiated: you decide what text to send for improvement and when.

Your privacy is our priority – secure, transparent, and user-controlled. There is no text storage: your texts are never stored on our servers. And if you need to store your texts as you write, you can use InstaText within Google Docs. If you prefer Microsoft Word, then InstaText for Word is available.

“I find InstaText very helpful. It makes me much faster in writing papers. I’m a perfectionist and usually spend (way too) much time finding the right words and making sure that sentences are easily readable even if the concepts are arbitrarily complicated. InstaText makes my life easier. I recommend it to any PhD student or researcher, whether a native English speaker or not.”

— Giulia Guidi, PhD Student, University of California, Berkeley

The InstaText editing advantage

InstaText is naturally suited for what comes after you obtain your first draft: the editing phase. That’s where you write something more clearly, perhaps add more details, refine your arguments… It improves the clarity and readability of the text and ensures that your writing is easy to understand.

Writing process

InstaText helps you edit your work in an iterative and interactive way. It is the interaction that stimulates critical thinking and improves your writing skills. One of the reasons for this is that you obtain immediate feedback.

All stages of the writing process – pre-writing, drafting, editing, and proofreading – are integral to producing a high-quality professional text.

However, if we were to highlight one phase as particularly critical to successful writing, it would likely be the editing stage.

“Of course, there’s Grammarly, a writing assistant that checks the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and clarity of your writing, corrects common errors, and occasionally gives you suggestions for rewording. The thing about Grammarly, though, is that it’s a good proofreader, but not an editor. And, as any skilled writer will be happy to tell you, the editing is the secret.”

— Jim Stonos, Writer and Editor

InstaText for editing, ChatGPT for drafting

Let’s consider several aspects how InstaText and ChatGPT differ:

Purpose: InstaText enhances your existing text by improving clarity, readability, and style. It functions more like a human editor by providing real-time suggestions for refinement. ChatGPT, on the other hand, generates new content and engages in conversation, focusing on creativity and task execution.

Control: InstaText allows users to maintain full control over their content, refining and editing it without altering its core meaning or voice. ChatGPT can provide new ideas or text from scratch but may not retain the original tone of voice.

Context: InstaText is ideal for academics, professionals, and non-native speakers who want to polish their own writing, whereas ChatGPT is more suited for tasks involving content generation or idea development.

Editing focus: InstaText offers in-depth improvements to sentence structure and fluency, while ChatGPT is primarily used for broader content generation, which may include creative or conversational writing.

InstaText for your browser

InstaText works where you write. With the browser extension, you can use InstaText within Gmail, Outlook Web, WhatsApp and several other applications. InstaText also supports LaTeX and is available within Overleaf.

With InstaText for Chrome, you can use InstaText within your applications. The browser extension that can be downloaded from the Chrome web store. The browser extension supports all Chromium based browsers: ChromeEdgeBrave, and Opera.

Adding InstaText to your browser is simple and it should take less than a minute.

InstaText is compatible with a continuously expanding array of popular online platforms. Use InstaText browser extension for emails and messages, documents and projects, and even for social media posts.

All functions of InstaText Editor are retained, including Language settings and Personal dictionary.

“This is hands down the best tool to spice up your text! We’ve tried everything from Grammarly to Readable, and InstaText beats them all by far. I can’t believe how well it recognizes context. Great Chrome extension as well. Works like a charm!”

— Jure Chuk, Business Owner

InstaText for Word

With the InstaText for Word, you can use InstaText to edit and proofread your documents.

You can choose between the InstaText Editor for direct editing within Word or use the built-in Track Changes feature to review and apply improvements.

InstaText Editor inside Microsoft Word

Select the text in the document that you want to improve and click on the Improve Text button. Now you can use the InstaText Editor to revise suggestions and then insert the improved text.

If you prefer so, you can also use InstaText to create suggestions within the document immediately. You can then use Word’s built-in Track Changes features to revise the improvements.

To choose between InstaText Editor and built-in Track Changes, use the drop down menu at the top of the InstaText side panel. The panel allows you to adjust the language settings and manage your personal dictionary to retain word combinations that belong to your professional language or personal style.

Here is a short guide to help you install and activate the InstaText Add-in inside Microsoft Word: How to use the InstaText for Word Add-in

“I can hardly imagine writing articles without InstaText. When I read through the proposed improvements, I immediately understand how the text should sound. It’s like a proofreader you can access at any time.”

— Dr. Jana Krivec, Senior Lecturer

InstaText writing enhancement features

Here you can view some examples on how InstaText improves your texts.

Grammar, punctuation and spelling improvements

These examples are straightforward and illustrate common mistakes:

The datadatas we collected waswere comprehensive.

The impact of climate change ischanges effects are widespread.

We foundfinded a significant difference betweenin the two groups.

Styling and word choice improvements

These examples show improvements in word choice and sentence flow:

When we looked at the data, we noticed an interestingsaw a patternthat was interesting.

Pollution is taking its toll ondoing bad things to our oceans and rivers.

The results provegive proof that our theory was right.

Clarity and conciseness improvements

These examples demonstrate how sentences can be made clearer and more concise:

OurWith respect to our digital campaign,has increasedthere’s a boost in brand awareness.

The changes we have made to the design of our website design have resulted inled to an increase in the time visitors spendspent by visitors on the sitepage.

Sentence and paragraph rewrites

These examples showcase significant changes to sentence and paragraph structure for better readability:

Given the data, there is a high probabilityThere is a significant likelihood, given the data, that our hypothesis is correct.

In our study, it was observedIt was observed in our study that the behavior of dolphins behaved differentlywhen they are in a group thancompared to when they are alonewas different.

Tone and dialect adjustments

Tone and dialect can be adjusted to suit different audiences or contexts. These examples illustrate how American English is transformed into British English:

I didn’t realiserealize your favourite colourfavorite color was blue.

Informal tone → Formal tone

I am sorrySorry, but the delivery will be delayedlate because of the weather.

“InstaText is an amazing tool. It helped me many times to finalize well-written articles. InstaText has completely changed the way I write and communicate in academic papers, social media, and other areas. I definitely recommend this tool for non-native speakers who usually struggle with their English skills.”

— Dr. Carolina Medina, University Professor and Journal Editor


Wondering how InstaText differs from ChatGPT and AI writing tools?

  • ChatGPT is good for generating new ideas and finding conceptual problems in your texts.
  • InstaText improves readability. But we keep your tone and unique voice. It never sounds like a marketing person rewrote your text.
  • You stay in control of your text – by accepting, rejecting and editing suggestions. Your message doesn’t get distorted.

InstaText maximises the readability of your text and makes it easier to understand. It has nothing to do with generative AI. The text improved by InstaText is by no means AI-generated! On the contrary: InstaText helps you to improve your text while you remain the proud author of your work.