How InstaText helps non-native speakers overcome common writing challenges Discover how InstaText helps non-native speakers overcome some common writing challenges and become better writers over time. Continue reading
How InstaText helps improve your communication Learn how InstaText helps you grow personally and professionally by improving your communication, LinkedIn’s most in-demand skill for 2024. Continue reading
How editing with InstaText improves both your writing and cognitive skills Find out how InstaText not only improves your text, but also your writing skills, which research shows are linked to cognitive development. Continue reading
Improving writing skills with interactive editing Writing and editing remain essential skills for a successful career, whether in business or academia. So how can advanced language technologies help? One way is through instant and interactive feedback of an interactive editing assistant. Continue reading
Improving English texts has never been easier To use InstaText effectively, you need to make smart decisions about which suggestions to accept and which to reject. The user interface takes editing to the next level and makes working with the tool fast and efficient. Continue reading
Rephrase your texts for better readability Effective written communication is the key to success today. Writing high quality texts means communicating clearly and effectively. We want to be understood. Rephrasing and paraphrasing our texts can significantly improve their readability and understandability. Continue reading