Writing effectively despite dyslexia

It is true that most dyslexics have poor spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but that does not prevent them from communicating effectively and inspiringly. What about written communication? Can we unlock the potential of people with dyslexia with digital writing tools?

Writing effectively despite dyslexia

In the post COVID-19 world, an aspiring entrepreneur, let’s call him Johnny wants to show the world what he can do and get his career back on track by starting a new business and expanding his business network. The only thing is, Johnny can’t do it alone. He suffers from dyslexia, also known as a reading disability. This presents Johnny with a major problem. He has difficulty expressing himself in writing.

Dyslexia poses a great challenge to Johnny and people like him all over the world. The condition makes reading and writing slow and tedious for them. They have trouble spelling, they mispronounce names and words, and they also have trouble recalling words.

In a word, today many people all over the world have a big problem communicating in writing, like Johnny. How many, you ask? Quite a lot! For example, as much as 15% of the population of the United States has symptoms of dyslexia.

You can find people with dyslexia in all walks of life, in the business world, in academia, in the working class, etc. One cannot imagine having a successful communication in today’s world where people do not have time to waste, if they have difficulty writing correctly and communicating through digital channels.

Many dyslectics are amazing communicators

It is true that most dyslexics have poor spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but that does not prevent them from communicating effectively. The reasons include:

People with dyslexia are passionate and curious: Remember Jamie Oliver, the famous chef, restaurateur and cookbook author? With a combination of infectious energy and communicative skills, he has made even the most complicated recipes simple and easy for anyone to recreate in their own kitchen.

The empathy of dyslexics is high: dyslexics are able to sense, understand and respond to how others feel.

Dyslectics are great at simplifying: they are good at removing unnecessary details to create clear, compelling messages.

Dyslectics consider the big picture: their brains are wired differently, so they are able to make connections between stories and see patterns in narratives that others may not.

Dyslectics are therefore able to grasp the big picture, simplify complicated ideas, use emotional intelligence and inspire people with curiosity and passion. This makes them great people who engage hearts and minds: they inspire others, motivate them, guide them, and engage them in action.

What about written communication?

From formulating ideas to getting words on the page, written work can be challenging for people with dyslexia, whether it’s creative or factual. But don’t take this the wrong way! People with dyslexia can be very creative people with brilliant ideas. But there are some hurdles they have to overcome, while other people don’t have to.

Problems with spelling: considering that about 50 percent of words in the English language are irregular in some way, English can be very challenging for them. They often struggle with arranging the groups of letters in a word correctly. They may write certain letters backwards. They may have difficulty connecting a sound to the letters that represent it.

Structuring sentences: They don’t necessarily recognize that the way we write is different from the way we speak, which means they may have difficulty choosing vocabulary and structuring their sentences.

Dysgraphia: This condition is characterized by slow, unorganized, and even illegible handwriting. Dyslexic individuals produce a lower amount of written work than their peers, and what they do produce does not reflect their academic ability or understanding of a subject.

These are real problems that dyslexic people can face in their everyday lives. They hinder their chances of success. But does it have to be this way? If only we could find a way to “unlock” their talents and give dyslexics a better chance to succeed in life. Maybe there’s already a solution for that.

The importance of clear and concise written communication

Written language is the flow of accurate information that people need and are entitled to in order to do their jobs successfully. It is an accepted fact that one of the cornerstones upon which an organization rests is a communication system. It provides the necessary foundation for direction and leadership. It is one of the most important functions of management. It can consolidate or disrupt an organization.

Dyslexia poses a great challenge to Johnny when he has to write clear and concise messages. His writing never sounds compeling and it is often difficult to understand.

The only real “friend” people have today that is always there and can be afforded is technology. In this case, artificial intelligence technology. This type of technology allows individuals and teams to focus on achieving the best possible results without outside help. In Johnny’s case, this technology replaces someone Johnny would have had to hire to help him communicate with his business partners and customers.

Unlocking the potential of people with dyslexia

The all-in-one solution to help us communicate successfully in the digital age is to combine the functionality of various digital writing tools that can help us turn our writing into functional content. There are many excellent digital writing aids on the market, such as Yoast, Hemmingway Editor, or Grammarly. These are all advanced writing tools that can improve spelling, grammar, and also the form of writing.

InstaText: all-in-one solution that improves writing, also making it more readable.

But there’s more to it than that! The readability and comprehensibility is very important for the purpose of getting the shape of the text right. This is something that people with dyslexia struggle with. For this problem that millions around the world suffer from, InstaText, a digital writing aid, offers an all-in-one solution that improves writing and helps you captivate your audience.

InstaText helps you express yourself clearly and concisely

InstaText is a full-featured personal intelligent writing assistant. It conveys your message to your audience in the manner of an educated native English speaker. InstaText’s team of experts is dedicated to helping you rewrite your writing so that you are understood and perceived as a professional communicator.

InstaText’s technology instantly understands how you want the text to sound. It translates your concept into a meaningful message by, for example, rewording sentences, suggesting more appropriate phrases, correcting grammatical errors and leaving it up to the user to accept or reject them. This saves you a lot of money, by the way.

The technology behind InstaText represents a paradigm shift. The artificial intelligence developed for it is easy to use, it’s intuitive, and it offers much better control over text than existing tools on the market.

All of this is available as a free 14-day trial. The tool is also available on a monthly or annual basis. You can decide what suits you best.

The intelligent tool that helps people in all aspects of their lives

Powered by AI features for human readability, InstaText has proven to be a very effective digital writing tool that transforms your written content into an easy-to-read and trustworthy document. The end result is SEO-optimized content that gives you the confidence that the text is also machine readable and can hold its own at the top of global search engines. At the same time, InstaText gets your message across to your audience with accuracy and style.

Learn more about InstaText and how to use it here: How InstaText differs from grammar checkers.

“I am a translator and proofreader by profession and have tried many editing tools. It’s not an exaggeration to say that all the other apps I’ve used so far don’t come close to InstaText. It is literally innovative and revolutionary and has taken the editing game to a new level, leaving other competitors in the dust.”

— Dr. Ghodrat Hassani, Researcher in Translation Studies

“This tool is outstanding, exceeded my expectations. I’m used to using Grammarly but InstaText is a more thorough tool and comes up with much better suggestions for rewrites. A game changer for editing.”

— Stephan Skovlund, Business Consultant

“It has been incredibly liberating to not agonize over every last word, secure in the knowledge that the AI has my back and will smooth out the occasional rough edge. That freedom alone boosted my daily word counts by more than 10%, which is gold dust!”

— Matthew Siege, Writer